Thursday, February 19, 2009

Less than a week

Well it is now Thursday February 19th. I have less than a week before I go into the MTC. I really don't know what to think because it's come so fast. Everybody is telling me all of their experiences and their advice and most of it is pretty scary. I think people shouldn't tell you all the scary details and parts of how a mission is really hard. They should really just say, "Hey, you can do anything if you rely on the Lord. You'll do fine." That way you know it's not going to be easy, but you don't freak out either. I'm really excited and it's just going to be a fun new experience.


  1. So, I haven't been on a mission yet, but I hear you with the scary advice. I think they invented it for pregnant women. You get a belly and suddenly everyone wants to share their terrible labor and delivery stories, or warn you about how you'll never get a good night's rest again, or they tell you how huge and uncomfortable you look. Thanks.....

    Instead, I'm just going to tell you:
    You really can do anything if you rely on the Lord. And you'll be better than fine. You'll be great.

    And maybe this is less encouraging, but the happiest people on the earth are the ones who have suffered (to some degree). How could you possibly understand heart-bursting joy if you didn't know how much better it was than sadness? Things will be hard, but you will find that the joy and fulfillment and happy things make up for it by miles. God didn't send us here to suffer--he sent us so we could learn happiness.

  2. If it helps any, we got a letter from Glen and after one day in the MTC, he's loving it.

  3. Ok, that's good to know. My brothers have been telling me they love the MTC, so I guess it's not as bad as I thought.
