Wow, it's been a month! Can you believe it's been so fast? I don't know about you, but it has gone by so fast. Thanks for all your letters and prayers, they're really helpful.
So let me update you on some stuff that's happened this past week. Elder Taylor like I said was really good at German so he went on the fast track. He actually left yesterday morning at 4am. It's kind of sad to see him leave, but I know it's the best for him. I was assigned to be in a "dritt" with elder Leto and Ballantyne for yesterday and today. Last night they told us in class a new missionary is going to be coming into our district sometime today. He hasn't showed up yet, but I'm waiting for any moment to go to the main office and pick him up. His name is Elder Sharp(e) (I haven't met him so I don't know how it's spelled). He was here in September, but had to go home due to health reasons. He's back now and I'm really excited to get to meet him. We've been joking that by the end of my MTC experience I'm going to have had 4 companions. It's pretty cool.
That's horrible to hear about the picture cards! I'm so sorry. I guess I was trying to be frugal and save some money by just sending it through the regular mail. I did end up printing off a couple of them so I'm sending them in a little package today. So hopefully you'll be able to see our awesome district.
I really want to let you know how much I enjoyed the temple dedication. It is really such a neat temple isn't it? I want to let everybody know that the temple really is such a refuge from the storm of the world. We need to stand in holy places and that's the best place to do that! With Eternity on the line, we should be thinking about that, not so much on the cares of the world. It's only going to get worse so we really do need be at the temple as much as we can. We should also make our homes temples as well.
Thanks for all your letters. They're really helpful. It's good to know that the world is still just the same and that BYU still isn't winning any NCAA championships. It's really weird how detached from the world you are here in the MTC. You just don't have time to think about it. There's just so much to do!
There's really not a whole much else to talk about. Unfortunately I was sick these past couple of days with headache/sore throat. I really have a testimony of the power of the preisthood. I received a blessing from the missionaries in my room and I've been feeling better ever since. The MTC is really just a breeding ground for germs so they have a ton of hand sanitizer stations all around.
It's good to know everything is going well in the Stake and ward. I hope you let everybody know I love them I love you lots!
Elder Joseph Hoehne
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